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10 Advantages of Being a Creative Generalist in a Specialist World

In general, people are encouraged to specialize. In a world where everything is specialized and compartmentalized, generalists often feel like the odd ones out. As a multi-passionate creative myself, I've lived through the agony and pressure of a world that wanted me to 'find one thing and stick to it.' It took me a long time to figure out I could never live up to the specialist expectation because that's not who I am.

Like other creative generalists, I need variety, a sense of purpose, a mix of interests and passions to keep me going. I have to be able to learn something new (almost) all the time, and my attention does move from one thing to another faster than I can take a breath sometimes. For the most significant part of my life, I thought this was a problem. Until I realized it was my strength.

In this article, we'll discuss the advantages of being a generalist or multi-passionate creative in an increasingly specialist world and how what might look like weaknesses on the surface are your superpowers.

It's a great time to be a creative generalist

“If you're creative generalist, it's a great time to be alive.” - David Epstein.

In his book Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, David Epstein documents how generalists are more necessary than before today, in an era that demands more and more specialization. Creatives who have mastered multiple skills can now leverage these abilities in ways like never before, generating new opportunities for themselves and their clients. It's a brave new world for creative generalists - but we've never had it so good!

To add some weight to this point, here are 10 advantages of being a creative generalist in a specialized world today:

  • #1 Innovation
    Creative generalists can be more innovative and creative than their specialized peers because they have a more comprehensive range of interests and skills to bring together. They are great at connecting seemingly wholly different pieces of information and pull from a wide variety of life and career experiences.

  • #2 Curiosity and adventure
    Creative generalists are often more curious and adventurous than other types of people because they're used to exploring uncharted territory, with thicker skin for failure and a capacity to be a beginner over and over again. This gives them (us) a competitive advantage in many technological and business fields today that require finding new ways to approach problems or the market.

  • #3 Employability
    Multi-passionate creatives (aka creative generalists) can work in multiple fields thanks to their incredible hunger for knowledge and wide range of interests, translating into broader employment opportunities. The term "creative generalist" has even become a category on job sites now. Companies are looking for you at this very moment!

  • #4 Leadership
    Creative generalists make better leaders because they can see things from multiple angles. Because of their natural curiosity, they have an easier time stepping into someone else's shoes and understanding all stakeholders' needs involved in a project or team.

  • #5 Building bridges
    Creative generalists can work across disciplines and have a general understanding of the workings of different industries because they're interested in so many things. As a result, they're great bridge builders who bring together people and ideas who would probably never meet if it wasn't for them.

  • #6 Problem solving
    Multi-passionate creatives can draw from past experiences when solving problems or facing challenges in new circumstances. Because they have such an active, dot-connecting mind, they love challenges, which makes them my favorite type of natural problem solvers. They're more challenge seekers than problem solvers. To them, everything is possible, they need to figure out how to do it, and that's what drives them.

  • #7 Diplomacy
    Creative generalists may be more adept at navigating ambiguous situations than specialists because they're used to seeing things through many lenses. With a natural inclination to try and understand people, conditions, and contexts, creative generalists tend to find some truth in pretty much everything. It might not be the best position when you need to take a firm stance on something, but it sure makes you a hell of a diplomat at the dinner table or in the meeting room.

  • #8 Adaptability to change
    Creative generalists are more easily adaptable to change than specialists and have a bigger capacity for resilience. Because they're used to juggling multiple jobs or interests simultaneously, switching between things doesn't require as much effort to them as to someone who's only focused on one thing. That's not to say that all creative generalists bend like leaves in the wind, but we do tend to adapt quickly to new environments, ideas, and people.

  • #9 Fast learners
    Creative generalists might not go in-depth into one specific area, but that might just be the advantage they need to be better able to see the long game, which can help their career prospects in a world that changes rapidly. Research shows that creative generalists learn faster and remember things longer because they switch between interests and return to them more often, instead of focusing on one thing for too long.

  • #10 A badge of honor
    Creative generalism is not a dirty word anymore - in fact, it's seen as more of an asset than ever before. Be proud to wear it!

There are many other advantages to being a creative generalist, and in an increasingly specialist world, they outweigh any drawbacks that may exist more and more. If you have multiple interests or passions but feel like your options are limited - don't despair.

Every day there are more ways (and reasons) creative generalists can thrive in a specialist world. Whether you're generalizing for your professional life or personal hobbies, there is a world of opportunities waiting for you out there - so get creative!

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