Career & Business Coaching Blog.

Inspiration and tips for multi-passionate creatives & entrepreneurs.

Mindset Murielle Marie Mindset Murielle Marie

Stuck in the Overthinking Loop? Here Are 5 Ways to Get Out.

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in an overthinking loop? You know, where all you can do is think about everything – the good, the bad, and the terrifying – and it's preventing you from taking action? This type of thinking often leads to paralysis by analysis.

Overthinking and worrying about the right decision is stressful and causes anxiety. Those are not great feelings. Instead of helping us get unstuck, they keep us where we are for longer. I know because I've had to work through them to get to where I am today - and so have many of my clients. That endless spiral of thoughts that keeps you up at night, where you get so caught up in your thoughts that you can't make a decision, can be disastrous for your career, business, or personal life, especially if you want to make meaningful progress.

The good news is there are ways to get out of the overthinking loop and start taking action again. In this article, I'll share five strategies to help you get out of your head and move forward! But first, let's take a look at why we overthink in the first place.

Why do we overthink?

We all have fears and concerns that can cause us to overthink. We might be worried about making the wrong decision or feeling doubtful about our abilities or worthiness. Fear of failure and fear of rejection – these can all be triggers for overthinking.

Of course, sometimes it's just human nature – when there's an unknown or unpredictable situation, our natural response is to think more about it to prepare ourselves better and feel less anxious. Chronic overthinking is one of the reasons many people get and stay stuck. Because of brain plasticity, forming a habit of overthinking every choice happens without us realizing it. Add a dash of the nervous system to it that feels as if danger lurks every time a decision needs to be made, and you have a recipe for disaster. 

Regardless of why we're doing it, too much rumination can keep us from living a full life and reaching our goals. That's why it's essential to find ways out of the overthinking loop as soon as possible!

Five strategies to get out of the overthinking loop

  1. Train yourself to make quicker decisions: The way to get out of overthinking is by training your brain and nervous system to make quicker decisions without giving them much thought. You want to practice this on little things first, like the pants you will wear today or the coffee or sandwich you will order at Starbucks for lunch. Practice making quicker choices daily and gradually work your way up to more complex situations and options. 

  2. Let go of perfectionism: We all want to make the right decision and have perfect outcomes, but that type of thinking can send us into a never-ending cycle of overthinking. Accepting imperfection is key to getting out of the loop; doing something is better than nothing! Remind yourself that mistakes happen, growth requires learning from your failures. Take a risk, and remember that you can course-correct if needed.

  3. Understand your fears: When you're in the overthinking loop, it can become hard to see past your fears. To get unstuck from this kind of thinking, try to understand why you're scared or anxious about making a decision. Is there something you need to learn more about? Do you need help from someone else? Once you have identified the source of your fear and anxiety, it's easier to work through it and move forward.

  4. Eliminate the noise: It's easy to get caught up in the endless loop of thoughts when we have too many options to entertain. To start making progress, take a step back and strip away any distractions, opinions, or options that don't matter so you can focus on what's important and make an informed decision. What ideas can you eliminate? What information will help you make the right choice? What opinions can you do without?

  5. Take action: The only way to get out of the overthinking loop for good is by taking action. Even if it feels scary or uncertain at first – do something! Taking small steps will give you momentum that can help propel you forward into more significant decisions and actions with more confidence. Remember, every day is an opportunity to practice making better decisions, trust yourself, and take action! If you're struggling to find your way out of overthinking, I hope these five strategies have given you some ideas for moving forward.

Overthinking can keep us stuck. It can lead to paralysis by analysis, or worse, make us doubt ourselves in the decision-making moment, so we stay stuck forever. But with the right strategies, it can be a different way. Training yourself into faster decisions, letting go of perfectionism, understanding your fears, eliminating noise, and taking action are all excellent ways to help you break out of the overthinking loop and move forward confidently!

So if you feel stuck in your head and keep contemplating the same ideas or options repeatedly, remember: in the end, you cannot think yourself into anything; you have to go out and do it! Good luck!

Feeling stuck in an overthinking loop and needing to make progress?

Private coaching is a great way to get unstuck and take action. You'll be able to work with me one-on-one, and I'll help guide you to the life and work you want.

Imagine your life if you could finally break free from the chains of overthinking. How much progress could you make if you had someone supporting and motivating you every step of the way? Sign up for a free session today and find out.

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Creative Generalists Murielle Marie Creative Generalists Murielle Marie

How to Overcome The Fear of Choice: 5 Tips For Those With Too Many Ideas And Interests

When you're a creative generalist (multi-passionate creative) or someone with many passions and interests, the fear of choice can be a real challenge. How do you know what the "right" thing to do is? How do you know which idea to pursue? How do you know which direction to take your career? This article will explore how to overcome the fear of choice and make decisions without feeling paralyzed by all of your options.

Not choosing is also a choice.

The first step is to understand that you don't have to choose forever. It's something I took a long time to learn and probably one of the most freeing things I teach my clients. If you're thinking about starting a new project but are afraid to commit, remember that you can always change your mind later. You really - really - never choose anything forever.

The second step is to understand that you can combine interests and ideas. It's one of the things that makes creative generalists so special. We can see connections between disparate things and bring them together into something new. So if you're feeling pulled in two different directions, try combining them into something new instead of choosing one or the other.

The third step is to choose temporarily. It goes hand-in-hand with the understanding that you can always change your mind later. When making a decision, remember that it doesn't have to be forever. You can always try something new later. It takes the pressure off of making a "perfect" decision and allows you to experiment without fear.

It's about the choice that's right for you at the moment.

When creative generalists are confronted with a choice, many are overwhelmed to the point that they do nothing anymore. But the truth is: that no choice is also a choice. If you don't decide, someone else will do it for you. So instead of being afraid of making the wrong choice, embrace your many passions and use them to your advantage. You never know where they might lead you. Remember, there is no "right" thing to do - there is only what is right for you at this moment. And even that can change tomorrow. So don't be afraid to experiment, combine interests, and change your mind. It's all part of the creative process!

Do you struggle with the fear of choice? Here are five tips to help you overcome indecision and move forward with your life.

  1. Write down everything that interests you and look for the common themes. Are there things you can combine or that build upon each other? For example, if you're interested in fashion and design, you could pursue a career in fashion journalism or start your clothing line.

  2. Look at your interests from different angles. What are the skills you have that are transferable to other contexts or environments? Instead of thinking in terms of knowledge gaps, what are your knowledge strengths? Remember that you don't have to choose just one thing. You can have multiple interests and pursue some of them simultaneously. The key is to be flexible and open-minded and not get too attached to any one idea.

  3. By understanding your values, you can start to narrow down your options. What is most important to you? Is it creative expression? Making a difference in the world? Financial security? Once you know what you value most, you can begin to make choices that align with those values.

  4. Try not to get caught up in the details. It's easy to get bogged down in all of the "what ifs" and "buts" when making a decision. But at the end of the day, there is usually more than one correct answer. So don't overthink it – go with your gut and trust that you will figure out the details along the way.

  5. Sometimes, the best way to make a decision is to weigh your options and see which one feels right. But don't get too caught up in this process – at the end of the day, you must go with your gut feeling. So if that means combining things that look different to everyone else but make sense to you, go for it! Make a list of pros and cons for each option, but don't agonize over it.

Making decisions can be challenging, but it's important to remember that you don't have to choose forever. You can always change your mind later. So embrace your many passions and use them to your advantage. You never know where they might lead you. So go ahead and let your inner creative generalist out! Don't let the fear of choice keep you from pursuing your dreams.

Feeling lost in your career?
Overwhelmed by all your interests and the things you "could be doing"?

You're not alone. A lot of people feel stuck at some point in their careers. That's where private coaching can help. I will help you get unstuck and figure out what you want to do next.

Imagine having a job that combines all your passions into one cohesive career. It's possible, I see it every day in my practice, and I can help make it happen for you. We'll work together to find the best way to use your skills and talents, so you can finally be happy with your work life.

Schedule your free session!

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