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I Want To Do Everything: Which Career Should I Choose?

"I want to do everything!" How many times have you told yourself that? As a creative generalist or multi-passionate creative (aka a multipotentialite, a polymath, a renaissance soul, or a slasher), you likely feel like this at least a few times a week. It's great to be passionate and curious about different things and to wonder about different career paths as a result. But without knowing which career would best suit your skill-set and personality, and more, make you happy, choice stress can set in. Don't worry! In this article, we'll discuss what career choices might be a good fit for someone who likes doing everything, so read on!

If you're a creative generalist or multi-passionate creative, the choice anxiety that plagues many people is probably your worst nightmare. It was for me, anyway. When I was younger, I wanted to do so many things! From graphic design to drawing, from freelance writing to web application development, I was interested in it all, and everyone around me was pushing me to pick a thing, to choose, to "decide my entire life!". This career choice stress got so bad at times that it kept me from doing anything at all, or it made me start too many things simultaneously and lose focus very fast. 

If you're suffering from choice stress, the first thing you need to do is to figure out which (creative) career path makes your heart skip a beat and the multi-passionate creative that you are. Because, well, yes, there are variations in how we express our unique creative nature! For example, suppose you are a creative generalist who likes to dive deep into a subject for a while. In that case, you might want to choose your primary interest and follow that as a career path while keeping your other interests and passions alive on the side. If, however, you need a lot of variation (like me) and can't live without actively pursuing a few of your interests at once, then you should focus your career choice on jobs that include at least a portion of those interests and the variety that you need. Or perhaps you're more of an entrepreneur and would instead start your own creative business, in which case variety will be available to you.

Everyone goes through career and choice anxiety at times. Still, as a multi-passionate creative, the stress can skyrocket because you have so many interests, because you need variety and because you hate boredom. Your hunger for knowledge doesn't seem to help either. 'How can a job keep me interested for long?' is something clients ask me all the time.

I know how hard it can be to feel like you have to choose. But this is your lucky day. I'm here to tell you that you don't have to, at least not really. Yes, you have to pick something and get started, but that doesn't mean you have to stick with that one thing forever. You're free, remember.

Let's explore five tips to help you make your next career move as a creative generalist.

You can always change your mind later. You can always change career paths later, even if you make a decision now. It's not really about the career choice itself; it's more about what your career choice says about who you are as a person and how much passion you have for this path.

If nothing sparks your interest at all right now, then perhaps that means there might be something better suited to your personality? You don't need to force yourself into anything just yet! If possible, why not take some time off from making career decisions altogether? Maybe go travel or try out different things related to creative entrepreneurship first, which will help you figure out exactly where your passions lie before choosing any career path in particular. Or maybe do an online course on Etsy or Skillshare to try something new and see if you enjoy it.

1. It's not all about the money

Your career choice should never be about money. We all know that creative jobs are often lower-paying (at least at first) than business or office work, which is why many multi-passionate creatives are hesitant and hope they'll eventually "like" the regular job they hate... But there are other reasons to choose a specific career path beyond financial considerations. If you think your talents and skills can make an impact in one way or another, then perhaps it's worth giving it a shot! It doesn't matter whether you're making lots of money out of your passion right now; what matters is that you're being true to yourself and how valuable what you have to offer genuinely is (for whatever reason). 

For instance, I remember struggling with how much to charge for my coaching services when I first started. The investment for working with me was lower than today's, but I was okay with that. I was learning, doing what I loved, and helping creatives get unstuck at the same time. If financial considerations had directed my decisions, I might not have become a coach at all because it meant I initially had to take a financial step back (which is often the case when we start something new).

Making the right career choice is never about choosing one career path over another because of its temporary benefits - it's all about which career choice fits who you are as a person and where your passion lies! So don't stress yourself out trying to find the perfect career path immediately; instead, focus on figuring out what makes you happy first before making any big decisions. It doesn't matter whether the money comes into play when deciding on creative entrepreneurship projects, at least not initially or not always; what matters is that you allow yourself to explore your full potential by doing what you love.

2. You don't need to find that one unique and perfect job 

Trying to find the perfect job will keep you stuck. Instead, it's better to think like an entrepreneur. The whole idea of business is to be flexible, pivot and change when needed, and adapt fast. Entrepreneurs know that they might have to change directions in mid-air, that they might have to rethink their business at some point, and they're okay with that.

I see so many clients struggle with career anxiety. They're constantly stressing themselves out by trying to find the perfect, most convenient job. My advice to them is always: to pick something and get started. When they do, they immediately gain clarity, usually about what they don't like :) But that's precisely the point. You cannot think yourself into the career or business of your dreams; you have to go out and try something! 

3. Don't forget about entrepreneurship

As a multi-passionate creative, the stuff you're made of suits an entrepreneurial path almost perfectly! Your hunger for knowledge, your capacity to learn new things quickly, your flexibility, and how you connect dots. All of this makes you an ideal entrepreneur. 

When I coach multi-passionate creatives, one of the first things they tell me is all the ideas they have for their own business. But the problem is that they never act on them. They tell me how much they want to do it but then don't take action for another year or so. My advice here again is simple: start something! Try out one of those ideas and see what happens :) I've never had a client regretting doing so!

4. Start already! With one thing! Please do it now!

Don't wait any longer. You cannot think yourself into a new career path; you have to go out and do it. So please do it now! Pick something from your long list of interests and ideas and run with it for a while, see where it takes you.

I know it's not easy; I know it can be stressful and cause a lot of anxiety. But if you stop trying to find the perfect career path and instead focus on figuring out what makes you happy first and trying some of those choices out, you'll be well on your way to a blissful and rewarding career!

If there's one tip I can give you that works, it's this: stop worrying and start doing. Now.

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